Map showing where we are, towns, airport, roads etc.

Villa Vida Nova is easy to find. With written directions from Lisbon or Faro, through spectacular countryside and excellent roads makes it an absolute pleasure to drive.


These Days Driving in Portugal is a Pleasure

30 years ago driving in the Algarve was akin to driving through an obstacle course. Narrow cobbled roads, (these were the good ones), pot holes, roads to nowhere and donkey carts were the norm. No more though. Since joining the EU Portugal has been able to upgrade its infrastructure. Airports, railways and roads have all benefited and serve to help industry, commerce and tourism.

Tourists now have the choice of renting a car from a stock of over 180 000 to cater for the peak season, out of season rates are remarkably cheap, they need to keep their staff employed so rates as low as a few Euros a day, unlimited mileage are not uncommon. I have seen rate less than 1 Euro a day, yes 1 Euro a day unlimited mileage, search in January for January and see what I mean.

There are new highways from Lisbon and from East to West along the Algarve. The one from Lisbon is a toll road and inexpensive compared to some in Europe but they get you from A to B with ease. The one from Faro airport was a toll road but is now free. The alternative routes are not bad, but slower, the original EN125 running from East to West in the Algarve has recently been revamped with 30-40 roundabouts, re surfaced, widened in parts for overtaking but it is slow, you will not average more than 50kms per hour along its entire route. If you are not in a rush it is an ideal way to see more of the Algarve and stop off at local shops, cafes and restaurants.